Our promise to you...


Our goal is to continue to offer the highest quality goods at the best possible price, supported by the highest level of customer service. From time-to-time, we might not be the most competitively priced online. In the event that you find your exact product cheaper elsewhere in the UK, we promise to price match the entire cost of the item for you.


A few important things to note...

We will price match items which are sold from online UK based retailers who sell UK products.

Both the competitor and us must have the item in stock on that same day for order and payment.

Please ensure the product we are price matching is the exact same model as seen on elsewhere.

Price match is only available against online stores, excluding any exclusive discounts or reward schemes.

We reserve the right to deny a price match, in the event that we suspect fraud or unauthorised reselling.


If you happen to find your item cheaper elswhere online, all you need to do is get in touch with our team!
Keep hold of the other retailer's information including the product link, just so that we can verify the above information, and we'll do the rest.
We are on hand via email or telephone to ensure you are getting the best deals possible. 

[email protected]
0330 1656 200