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Infrared Heating VS. Space Heating – All Pros & Cons Covered

Infrared Heating VS. Space Heating – All Pros & Cons Covered

Brandix Soft |

It is important to keep your workplace and home warm during the cold days of winter for a comfortable environment that enhances your productivity. Different types of heaters, such as infrared and space heaters, work on varying heating mechanisms to make your space cosy and relaxing. Infrared heaters work by heating objects, people, and surfaces directly. However, space heaters work by heating the air within a space.

This guide helps you understand infrared and space heating. It also elaborates on their advantages and disadvantages, allowing you to make an informed decision and maximise your investment.

Understanding Infrared Heating

The working principle of infrared heaters is based on the utilisation of infrared waves for heating objects, people, and surfaces. Everything present in front of the appliance gets a direct heating effect. The heating panel emits heat that travels through the air, and objects, including humans, absorb this radiation and get warm. Electricity is one of the potential sources of power for these heaters. They can be conveniently installed beneath your property’s flooring as well, which is known as underfloor heating.

Understanding Space Heating

Space heaters work by heating an area by warming the air present in the surrounding space. These heaters have an internal fan that draws air into the machine to heat it with the help of a heating element or fuel combustion. Once the air gets warm, it is blown out through a fan at the front side. They are ideal for temporary heating during events, in workplaces, or in spaces without central heating systems.

There are various appliances which work on the space heating principle, such as electric fan heaters, LPG space heaters, and oil-fired space heaters.

Advantages of Infrared & Space Heating

The following are some of the advantages infrared and space heating has to offer:

Infrared Heating

  1. Infrared heating solution is ideal for outdoor public areas, patios, work sites, etc.
  2. It is an efficient way of heating your property that makes these heaters cheaper to run.
  3. Infrared heaters are cost-effective and require minimal maintenance, eliminating the need for annual call-outs.
  4. With an infrared heating mechanism, heaters can warm up a space instantly to create a comfortable environment.
  5. Infrared heaters are compatible with different heating sources, such as diesel, electricity, natural gas, and propane.
  6. Infrared heaters can be conveniently used in outdoor spaces because they do not waste energy by heating the surrounding air.
  7. Infrared heating creates less impact on individuals who are sensitive towards particular allergens as it does not kick up dust in the airflow.

Space Heating

  1. The surrounding air remains warm for a while even if the heater is switched OFF.
  2. Heaters operating on space heating mechanisms are suitable for heating large spaces effectively.
  3. Space heaters have a portable design and can be easily transported for use wherever required.
  4. These heaters are easy to run; you need to plug in the switch to make the appliance operate efficiently.

Disadvantages of Infrared & Space Heating

Despite several advantages, infrared and space heating also have some demerits, as explained in the following:

Infrared Heating

  1. Infrared heaters are not suitable for use in large and crowded spaces.
  2. These heaters instantly lose energy as soon as they are switched off.
  3. Infrared heaters emit an orange glow, creating a glare that might be uncomfortable for some individuals.

Space Heating

  1. Space heaters do not work well in draught spaces and outdoor or poorly insulated areas.
  2. These heaters run on diesel or gas, making them costly as the fuel price varies.
  3. Space heating does not ensure an even distribution of heat, and colder air continues to persist in the room’s lower part.

Final Verdict

Infrared heaters offer a cost-effective solution for heating smaller spaces with fewer individuals. These heaters can efficiently heat outdoor spaces and poorly insulated areas. On the other hand, space heaters are suitable for use in larger spaces with a larger number of individuals.

Therefore, it is essential for you to consider different factors before purchasing a particular type of heater. You should consider the affordability, energy efficiency, and ease of use to make a purchase worth your investment.